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Stephanie Autumn


Tribal Youth Resource Center

Stephanie Autumn brings extensive experience in developing, implementing, and evaluating programs in Indian Country. Ms. Autumn has thirty-eight years of local, national, and international American Indian advocacy and policy work experience and has presented at various human rights forums at the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland and in New York. She has worked throughout the country on issues of American Indian adult and juvenile justice, substance abuse prevention, restorative justice, and Tribal youth mentoring programs. Ms. Autumn served as the Executive Directive of the Minnesota Restorative Justice Campaign for five years and is a skilled Restorative Practitioner facilitator, trainer, and Circle Keeper. Ms. Autumn’s expertise includes developing culturally competent strategic planning tools and trainings for American Indian/Alaska Native tribes. She has directed national projects on American Indian juvenile domestic assault, restorative justice, pre- and postrelease services for American Indian offenders, Tribal mentoring, and truancy. She served as project director for three Department of Justice–funded programs for Tribal youth that provided training and technical assistance to more than 135 Tribal grantees. Ms. Autumn has provided expertise/testimony for the Minnesota and South Dakota Departments of Corrections with regard to traumatic brain injury and trauma-informed care needs/issues with incarcerated American Indian juvenile and adults. For the past fifteen years, Ms. Autumn has provided expertise to the Minnesota Department of Education on disproportionality issues that impact American Indian youth and communities. Ms. Autumn is the founder of the American Indian Prison Project Working Group.

The Implementation and Enhancement Training is offered as part of the Healing to Wellness Courts Training and Technical Assistance project -- A project delivered by the Tribal Law and Policy Institute (TLPI) under a grant from the Bureau of Justice Assistance.

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