Tribal Healing to Wellness Court
Juvenile Healing to Wellness Court
2024 Implementation and Enhancement Trainings
Reclaiming Indigenous Justice
September 18-20, 2024
Sheraton Phoenix Downtown
340 North 3rd Street Phoenix, AZ 85004
These trainings have received U.S. Department of Justice Conference Approval.
Shelia McCarthy
Senior Program Manager
Recovery and Reform, Center for Justice Innovation
Sheila E. McCarthy, LMSW, is a Senior Program Manager for the Recovery and Reform Team
at the Center for Justice Innovation (Center). Sheila has led a wide range of projects focusing on
drug/opioid courts, teleservices initiatives, veterans treatment courts and statewide strategic
plans. Prior to joining the Center, Ms. McCarthy worked for the New York State Unified Court
System for over a decade in several capacities within family court. Her career in the court system
began as a coordinator for a program aimed at increasing accountability in intimate partner
violence cases in Queens Family Court. She then transitioned to a Citywide position with the
Child Welfare Court Improvement Project, a federally funded initiative that supports the family
court’s mandate to promote the safety, permanence, and well-being of abused and neglected
children. Her last position before joining the Center was focused on a statewide initiative aimed
at improving families involved in the child welfare system, family court, and dealing with
substance use disorders. In addition to her macro level work, Sheila has experience directly
serving clients ranging from victims of sexual assault and intimate partner violence, to assisting
criminal justice involved individuals with cooccurring disorders. She holds a B.A. in Sociology
from Boston College and a M.S.W. from Columbia University School of Social Work.