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Rachelle Tenorio

Research Associate

Pacific Institute for Research & Evaluation

Rachelle Tenorio, M.S.W., Ph.D., is an enrolled member of Santo Domingo Pueblo (Kewa), New Mexico. Dr. Tenorio received a master’s degree in social work from New Mexico Highlands University with a concentration in government nonprofit management in 2012. Thereafter, in 2018, she obtained a Ph.D. in justice studies from Arizona State University focused on deconstructing trauma in Pueblo communities. She teaches for the New Mexico Highlands University Social Work Program. Cumulatively, Dr. Tenorio has more than twelve years of research and prevention experience with American Indian communities. She continues to maintain strong ties to her pueblo through traditional activities and advocacy. Never forgetting the importance of her children, family, and her pueblo, Dr. Tenorio strives to adhere to the values she has learned through competence, compassion, and commitment to excellence.

The Implementation and Enhancement Training is offered as part of the Healing to Wellness Courts Training and Technical Assistance project -- A project delivered by the Tribal Law and Policy Institute (TLPI) under a grant from the Bureau of Justice Assistance.

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