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Hon. Renee Torres


Bernalillo County’s Metropolitan Court Urban Native American Healing to Wellness Program

Judge Renee Torres is an enrolled member of the Pueblo of Isleta in the state of New Mexico where she grew up on the Isleta Reservation. She was elected in the November 2016 General Election to Division III of the Bernalillo County Metropolitan Court in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Judge Torres graduated from New Mexico State University in 1992 with a bachelor of arts degree in journalism and graduated from the UNM School of Law in May 2003 with a juris doctorate degree and the Indian Law Certificate. Judge Torres attended the American Indian Law Center’s Pre-law Summer Institute (PLSI) in the summer of 2000 and received the Advocacy Award for her writing and advocacy skills. She has been a member of the New Mexico Bar Association since 2004. Judge Torres has judged the American Indian Law Center’s Pre-Law Summer Institute Moot Court, taken numerous courses at the National Judicial College (NJC) in Reno, Nevada, for both state and Tribal judicial education and co-instructed a course at the NJC. She has been a member of the New Mexico Tribal-State Judicial Consortium (established by the NM Supreme Court) since April 2013 and was appointed by the Supreme Court to serve as the Co-chair in 2019. Judge Torres has presided over the Urban Native American Healing to Wellness Court (HTW) at the Bernalillo County Metropolitan Court since May 2017, in addition to her regular criminal docket. Judge Torres is also an active member of the NM Partners association comprised of private and state agencies that collaborate to improve the lives of families and children in the state of New Mexico.

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The Implementation and Enhancement Training is offered as part of the Healing to Wellness Courts Training and Technical Assistance project -- A project delivered by the Tribal Law and Policy Institute (TLPI) under a grant from the Bureau of Justice Assistance.

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