Tribal Healing to Wellness Court
Juvenile Healing to Wellness Court
2024 Implementation and Enhancement Trainings
Reclaiming Indigenous Justice
September 18-20, 2024
Sheraton Phoenix Downtown
340 North 3rd Street Phoenix, AZ 85004
These trainings have received U.S. Department of Justice Conference Approval.
Dr. Kristen DeVall
National Drug Court Resource Center
Kristen E. DeVall is the co-director of the National Treatment Court Resource Center & a professor of sociology and criminology at the University of North Carolina Wilmington. She received her PhD in sociology from Western Michigan University and has conducted evaluations of numerous treatment court programs and other criminal justice initiatives in various states for over 20 years. Recent publications have appeared in Crime & Delinquency, Federal Probation, Sociological Imagination, The Journal of Drug Issues, The Prison Journal, International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, and Substance Use and Misuse. Dr. DeVall has also garnered over $19 million in grant funding from BJA, OJJDP, SAMHSA, as well as state and local entities to support various treatment courts & other criminal justice programs. In addition, she worked as a case manager for a community corrections program for seven years. Providing direct services to justice-involved individuals allowed her to see firsthand how the system operates and identify opportunities for system-level and policy change. Overall, her work seeks to bridge the gap between academia and practitioners, as well as influence the development of evidence-based policies and practices.