Tribal Healing to Wellness Court
Juvenile Healing to Wellness Court
2024 Implementation and Enhancement Trainings
Reclaiming Indigenous Justice
September 18-20, 2024
Sheraton Phoenix Downtown
340 North 3rd Street Phoenix, AZ 85004
These trainings have received U.S. Department of Justice Conference Approval.
Dr. Christina Lanier
National Treatment Court Resource Center
Christina Lanier is the co-director of the National Drug Court Resource Center and a professor of sociology and criminology at the University of North Carolina Wilmington. She received her PhD in sociology from the University of Delaware in 2006. Her work has been published in Federal Probation, The Journal of Drug Issues, The Prison Journal, Substance Use and Misuse, and Violence Against Women. She has extensive experience in the area of grant writing and program evaluation. She conducts program evaluations for specialty courts in North Carolina and is a co-evaluator for a number of local reentry programs. Other recent projects include statewide evaluations in Michigan and North Carolina. Working with treatment court and other criminal justice programs, she has garnered more than $19 million dollars in grant funding from federal, state, and local agencies. Dr. Lanier’s focus is on linking the work of researchers with practitioners to make policy and social change.