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2020 Training Materials

Virtual Training

September 28 - October 2, 2020

Returning to “Normal” – Considerations for Healing to Wellness Courts in Challenging Times (Session Recording) (PowerPoint)

  • Kristina Pacheco, Tribal Wellness Specialist, Tribal Law and Policy Institute

  • Lori Vallejos, Counselor III, Pueblo of Laguna Behavioral Health Services

Workshop Description: Healing to Wellness Court Operations have shifted primarily to remote and tele-service oriented operations in response to the current related limitations. This presentation will address how wellness court operations can adapt to increased teleservices in times of crisis, in addition to highlighting strategies implemented by healing to wellness court staff in response to these challenging times. Presenters will additionally facilitate a discussion on strategies and considerations to be addressed by courts as operations return to in-person meetings.

A Pathway to Recovery: Legal Considerations for Harm Reduction Approaches and Action

(Session Recording) (PowerPoint)

  • Roy E. Pack Jr., Program Director, Tribal Opioid Response, Rocky Mountain Tribal Leaders Council

Workshop Description: This workshop will address the CDC and community/social movement to expand Harm Reduction services both on and off reservations. Based on longitudinal research the CDC, SAMHSA and other agencies are now including Harm reduction into many funding opportunities thereby increasing the expansion and creation of services in all areas. Provided will be a brief historical background and current implications of Harm Reduction including the basic principles of existing and emerging programs to include Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI), Syringe Service Programs (SSP) and Crisis Response services as they relate to AI/AN populations. With current data suggesting promising results for the prevention of STI’s, increased entry into treatment and redirection of crisis calls on law enforcement several legal considerations arise regarding implementation of services, existing paraphernalia laws and referral to services vs arrest.

Best Practices and Promising Approaches in the Tribal Juvenile Healing to Wellness Court (Session Recording) (PowerPoint)

  • Precious Benally, Tribal Healing to Wellness Court Specialist, Tribal Law and Policy Institute

  • Kristina Pacheco, Tribal Wellness Specialist, Tribal Law and Policy Institute

  • Anna Clough, Assistant Director, Tribal Youth Resource Center, Tribal Law and Policy Institute

Workshop Description: The Tribal Juvenile Healing to Wellness Court is a transformative community-based court intervention that employs a team-based approach and initiates rehabilitative processes for Tribal youth who are addicted to illicit substances or alcohol. As a solution-focused and individualized process, the juvenile healing to wellness court can engage youth through ongoing culturally-responsive phased intervention, holistic treatment, and personal goal-setting.

Law School 101 for Treatment Court Professionals (Session Recording)  (PowerPoint)

  • Hon. Gregory Pinski, District Judge, Montana Eighth Judicial District 

  • Kathy Hankes, Native American Cultural Coordinator, Montana Eighth Judicial District

Workshop Description: In light of a significant portion of the docket including American Indians and Alaska Native participants, the Eighth Judicial District of Montana established a Native American docket, devoted solely to the Native population. This session will provide an overview of legal considerations in drug court and wellness court settings. This session will additionally provide a summary of the Native American Veterans Court model developed by the Eighth District, Native American Docket staff, which has provided more culturally relevant services, as well as improved collaboration with tribal partners to serve their participants for better and more long-lasting outcomes.

Interacting with Participants from the Bench: Motivational Interviewing 101 for Judges (Session Recording) (PowerPoint)

  • Hon. Carrie Garrow, Chief Judge, St. Regis Mohawk Tribal Court

Workshop Description: Judicial interaction with participants is a critical component of participants’ success.  The Family Treatment Court Best Practice Standards and the Adult Drug Court Best Practice Standards note that participants are likely to comply with treatment and have better outcomes when the judge gives participants opportunities to voice their perspectives and when the judge communicates respect and support to the participants.   Motivational interviewing, created by William Miller and Stephen Rollnick, is a method of communication.  It is designed to help people explore and resolve ambivalence about changing behaviors and has been effective with people dealing with substance abuse disorders.  It is frequently used by counselors and probation officers.  However, it is also an important tool that judges can use from the bench.  This workshop will give an overview of the basic principles of motivational interviewing and through the use of role plays demonstrate how judges can put it into practice.

Teleservices in Practice: A Panel with Practitioners and Providers (Session Recording) (PowerPoint) (Handout 1) (Handout 2) (Handout 3)

  • Sheila McCarthy, Senior Program Manager, Center for Court Innovation

  • Precious Benally, Tribal Healing to Wellness Court Specialist, Tribal Law and Policy Institute

  • Rosemary Manrique, Healing to Wellness Court Coordinator/Case Manager, Pueblo of Santa Ana Healing to Wellness Court

  • Hon. Carrie Garrow, Chief Judge, St. Regis Mohawk Tribal Court

  • Lorenzo Jim¸ Program Director, Cultural Services Provider, Substance Addictions Counselor, First Nations Community Health Source

Workshop Description: This is an exciting time for drug courts as technological innovations in health care, criminal justice and distance learning are starting to transform the way they work.  In many instances, these innovative “teleservices” rely on familiar technology such as smartphones, computers, and video conferencing products. The goal for court practitioners is integrating these approaches-many of which have been tested in other fields-into their day-to-day practice. Due to these challenging times, the whole world was forced to be innovative in the ways we connect with one another. This panel session will provide an opportunity to hear from individuals in the field either providing teleservices directly or utilizing them in practice.  The panel members will discuss logistics of remote access to evidence-based treatments.  The audience will also hear the benefits from a judge who has incorporated remote appearances and how to continue to engage when the client is not in the courtroom.  Panel members will share their experiences implementing teleservices, discuss lessons learned and how they overcame barriers and what they plan to continue to integrate in their practice.  Audience members will be able to converse with panel members about how to fill gaps in treatment, supervision and training areas, based on their needs.  

Tribal Law Enforcement Panel - Lessons Learned in the Field (Session Recording ) (PowerPoint)  (Handout 1) (Handout 2) (Handout 3)

  • Jordan Martinson, Tribal Law and Policy Specialist,  Tribal Law and Policy Institute

  • Special Agent Maria Galvan, Criminal Investigation Bureau - Pueblo of Laguna

  • Officer Francis Bradley, Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation Police Department

Workshop Description: This workshop will feature a panel of experienced tribal law enforcement officers. Panel members will discuss lessons learned through years of experience working in tribal law enforcement. Panel members will provide their perspective on the following topics in addition to taking questions from attendees: 

  • Importance of Culture in Tribal Law Enforcement

  • Staff Recruitment and Retention

  • Inter-agency Cooperation and Mutual Aid 

  • Tribal Specific Challenges and Community Policing 

Providing Corrective Experience and Enhancing Resilience- Understanding How Trauma Affects Youth Development (Session Recording) (PowerPoint)

  • Maegan Rides at the Door, Director and Principal Investigator National Native Children’s Trauma Center

Workshop Description: Trauma can have serious consequences for the normal development of adolescents. This session will help participants understand the impacts of chronic trauma and some of the behaviors that may be demonstrated by trauma-exposed children and adolescents. The Juvenile Healing to Wellness Court provides opportunities to provide therapeutic responses to youth behavior. Corrective experiences can help get development back on track. This session will present strategies for providing corrective experience and enhancing resilience of Tribal youth.

Navajo Veterans Justice Outreach Program - Wellness Court (Session Recording) (PowerPoint) (Handout 1)

  • Regina Begay-Roanhorse, Court Administrator, Alamo To'hajiilee Judicial District - Navajo Courts

Workshop Description: The presentation will focus on developing support services for Native American veterans who return from combat with severe mental health disorders and PTSD as a result of trauma. The goal of the program is to identify justice-involved Native American veterans in state and tribal court detention facilities and/or systems to encourage them to apply for their Veterans Affairs (VA) benefits and/or identify culturally appropriate care as Native Americans and as military personnel. VA benefits are numerous and accessing clinical and non-clinical support in that system is barred unless they apply and receive their “service-connected” disability designation. The Military Support Group of this program provided opportunities for any Native American to apply for benefits through prevention activities from 2014 to 2020 in McKinley County New Mexico. The presentation will also help tribal communities develop peer support through existing Native American veterans organizations and collaborations to support state Veterans treatment courts by developing culturally appropriate care and prevention activities to prevent high suicide rates in tribal veteran communities. Culturally appropriate care and prevention activities includes those that address the military culture which includes teamwork, selflessness, shared goals, service to others and courage which are ingrained in each service member from boot camp to discharge.

Making Data Work For You (Session Recording) (PowerPoint) (Handout 1) (Workbook 1)

  • Dr. Christina Lanier, Co-Director, National Drug Court Resource Center, Sociology and Criminology Department, University of North Carolina, Wilmington

  • Dr. Kristen E. DaVall, Co-Director, National Drug Court Resource, Sociology and Criminology Department, University of North Carolina, Wilmington

Workshop Description: Ever wanted to use the data you collect regarding THWC participants to answer questions? This session will provide you with a framework for increasing your program’s capacity to collect and utilize program data. Specifically, we will discuss what types of data should be collected, how to collect the data, and the best practices for sharing the data with the team and stakeholders. The presenters will also discuss data collection within the current environment.   

Recruiting, Hiring and Retaining Tribal Police Officers Especially During Crisis and Challenging Times

(Session Recording) (PowerPoint)

  • David Rogers, Chief Executive Officer,  Tribal Public Safety Innovations, LLC

Workshop Description: It has always been generally difficult for many Tribal Police Departments to recruit, hire and retain the highest quality of officers to serve their communities. Often low pay, lack of retirement programs, minimal benefits, remote working conditions, and cultural barriers can contribute to this challenge. Add a national crisis such as the current health crisis, with tribe’s being especially hard hit and the political divide that has led to a strong anti-police environment that is also present in Indian Country. What can Tribes do to ensure that they are bringing in the best candidates to work in their police departments? How has current events impacted this effort? What are the challenges for tribal members to qualify for police positions? Indian Country faces their own unique problems that require police attention, including the missing and murdered Native people crisis. How can we balance the needs of the tribes with the needs of their police? This session will provide a variety of ideas and suggestions to address the recruiting issues along with ways to keep officers from leaving for “greener pastures? Examples of identifying tribal members to become viable candidates, for their own agencies will be offered, along with steps that can be taken to promote a professional growth to reach the administrative levels of policing. How the agencies can build Community Wellness through collaboration with tribal organizations, community members and outside agencies for problem identification and problems solving.

Motivating Behavior Change- Developing Individualized Responsive Processes to Support Tribal Youth in the Tribal Juvenile Healing to Wellness Court

(Session Recording) (PowerPoint)

  • Jessica Pearce, Senior Site Manager, National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges

Workshop Description: The Tribal Juvenile Healing to Wellness Court may integrate responsive strategies to promote holistic and positive behavior change in youth participants with special considerations. Wellness court teams may implement tangible practices like rewards, accountability measures, behavior agreements, cultural and contextual activities, and substance use monitoring as part of practical and effective case management that is responsive to the needs of the youth.


Native Veterans: Treatment Considerations (Session Recording) (PowerPoint)

  • Sean Bear, Co-Director, National American Indian and Alaska Native Addiction Technology Transfer Center

  • Ray Daw, Consultant/ Behavioral Health Administrator

Workshop Description: This presentation will provide an overview of the National American Indian and Alaska Native Addiction Technology Transfer Center’s curriculum for serving Native veterans. Topics will include the history and context of warriors and veterans in Native societies; unique considerations for the role of trauma as distinct from non-veterans; and resources that both tribal and non-tribal communities can leverage to provide culturally competent care. This session will include a Q&A discussion section.

From Missteps to Moving Forward: A Guide to Turn Mistakes into Strengths (Session Recording) (PowerPoint)

  • Alyssa Harrold, Specialty Court Manager and Probation Officer, Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians 

  • Matthew Lesky, Court Administrator, Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians

Workshop Description: The Waabshki-Miigwan Drug Court Program was developed in 2010 with a mission to provide an opportunity for substance dependent tribal citizens to utilize Odawa values, teachings to promote healing and rehabilitation services. With the goal to restore holistic balance in the community. This session will provide an overview on our programmatic mistakes that we have made over the last ten (10) years and how we have used those same mistakes to improve our program and provide more supportive services to clients. This session will provide information on assessments, verification systems, lessons in relapse, and how the clients teach us along the way. Learn from our programmatic mistakes, that we have used to strengthen our program in support of participants and our community. 

Overview of Family Treatment Court Best Practices (Session Recording) (PowerPoint) (Handout 1)

  • Teri Kook, Senior Program Associate, Center for Children and Family Futures

  • Kelly Jones, Senior Program Associate, Center for Children and Family Futures

Workshop Description: This session will introduce Family Wellness Court leaders and practitioners to the family treatment court best practices and provide an opportunity to begin exploring how to adopt the practices. The goals of these practices are to: 1) guide the daily operations of family treatment courts, 2) support decisions regarding resource development and priorities, and 3) improve outcomes for children, parents, and families affected by substance use and mental health disorders who are involved in the child welfare system.

Additional Resources:

Vital Role of Tribal Law Enforcement in Wellness Court Planning and Implementation (Session Recording) (PowerPoint)

  • BJ Jones, Program Director, University of North Dakota School of Law

Workshop  Description: This session will focus on the critical need to involve Tribal Law Enforcement in the Development of Wellness Court Teams and the continued involvement of TLE in the implementation and enhancement of Wellness Courts. Drawing on his experiences as Wellness Court Judge for over 20 years with the Sisseton-Wahpeton Treatment Court Judge Jones will focus on how to involve tribal law enforcement in both the planning stages of Wellness Courts and their vital role as team members to ensure credibility with the LE community as well as to aid in determining compliance and sanction issues.

Community Coordination- Planning and Implementing the Tribal Juvenile Healing to Wellness Court

(Session Recording) (PowerPoint)

  • Santana Bartholomew, Juvenile Healing to Wellness Court Coordinator, Pueblo of Pojoaque Tribal Court

  • Corissa Millard, Quapaw Nation Court Clerk, Quapaw Nation of Oklahoma

  • Chaniel Grant, Coordinator, Healing to Wellness Court Projects Blackfeet Tribal Court

Workshop Description: The Tribal Juvenile Healing to Wellness Court is an adaptable framework that can be implemented in communities with consideration to the unique local level strengths and needs.  This session will include presentations from three communities and discuss the processes and activities related to juvenile healing to wellness planning and implementation.

Creating a Place of Welcome: Mitigating Trauma in the Courthouse by Understanding Changes to the Brain (Session Recording) (PowerPoint)

  • Hon. Kim McGinnis, Chief Judge, Pueblo of Pojoaque Tribal Court

Workshop Description: The primary goal of this workshop is to provide attendees with information about how substance misuse and trauma change brain architecture, leading to frustrating or unexpected behaviors. Judge McGinnis will use her background as a neuroscientist and treatment court judge to dive into the neuroscience of substance misuse and trauma. She will discuss structural changes commonly found in the brains of people struggling with substance misuse and trauma, which will help us understand some of our participants’ frustrating behaviors. Judge McGinnis will provide practical suggestions for making our courthouses more welcoming, including environment, language, and rules reduction. Understanding and accepting that trauma and substance misuse change the brain will be explored, not as an excuse for frustrating behavior or dangerous choices, but as an explanation for potential barriers to case plan progress. This information will help team members understand participants’ repeated return to use and trauma responses.

Additional Resources:

When Sanctions Don’t Work: Responding to Addiction-Driven Behavior? (Session Recording) (PowerPoint) (Handout 1) (Handout 2)

  • Terrence Walton, Chief Operating Officer, National Association of Drug Court Professionals  

Workshop Description: Incentives and sanctions are essential to treatment court success.  When properly used, they are powerful tool for improving client behavior and program outcomes.  Treatment court achieve better outcomes when practitioners understand the science behind behavior management and apply the principles.  The session will describe the essential elements of effective behavior modification in a drug court and reveal what actions a program should consider when efforts appear futile.

Tribal-State Collaborations: Transfer Agreements, Joint Jurisdiction Courts, and Beyond (Session Recording) (PowerPoint)

  • Lauren van Schilfgaarde, San Manuel Band of Mission Indians Tribal Legal Development Clinic Director, UCLA School of Law

  • Suzanne Garcia, Child Welfare Specialist, Tribal Law and Policy Institute

Workshop Description: Tribes have limited and complex jurisdiction, restricting their ability to effectively respond. States struggle to provide culturally-appropriate services and ancillary services that are relevant and useful to participants that are from tribal communities. To combat these deficiencies, some jurisdictions have joined forces. Collaboration varies in form and can range across a wide spectrum. This workshop will explore this spectrum as actualized by operational courts. Examples will include informal collaborations, transfer agreements, and joint jurisdiction courts. Across jurisdictions the legal landscape, historical context, needs of participants, availability of services, and personalities of the teams have all varied. But they share a desire to work together to maximize the outcomes for their participants.


Unconquered and Unconquerable: A Chickasaw Approach to Wellness and Recovery for Native American Treatment Court Participants (Session Recording) (PowerPoint)

  • Regena Frye, Director, Recovery Resource Services, Strong Family Development Division, Department of Family Services the Chickasaw Nation

  • Amber Hoover, Program Manager, Recovery Resource Services, Strong Family, Development Division, Department of Family Services the Chickasaw Nation

  • Dr. C.J. Aducci, Executive Officer, Strong Family Development, Chickasaw Nation Department of Family Services

Workshop Description: Members of the Chickasaw Nation Recovery Resource Services team will provide perspective on tribal-specific services provided through Chickasaw Recovery Resource Services. The Chickasaw Nation Recovery Resource Services provides specialty court and recovery support services. Specialty court services include full service substance abuse treatment to Chickasaw citizens and/or other Native Americans who have a Chickasaw spouse and/or Chickasaw dependents who are participants in the Pontotoc County Drug Court program. Recovery support services include assessment services, recovery outpatient services and recovery intensive outpatient services to Chickasaw citizens, Native Americans and Chickasaw Nation employees.

Healing and Wellness- Integration of Cultural and Traditional Responses to Support Youth Wellness

(Session Recording) (PowerPoint)

  • Ethleen Iron Cloud-Two Dogs, Senior Technical Assistance Specialist, Tribal Law and Policy Institute

  • Tasha Fridia, Assistant Director, Tribal Youth Resource Center, Tribal Law and Policy Institute

  • Daniel Hena, Juvenile Healing to Wellness Court Coordinator, Pueblo of Tesuque

Workshop Description: Integration of culture and traditional lifeways is a core element of the Tribal Juvenile Healing to Wellness Courts. Participants may engage with Tribal cultural leaders, elders, teachers, and may also participate in experiential activities to increase in community connectedness and understanding. This session will provide an overview of ways communities integrate local culture within their wellness court framework and provide a discussion around traditional restorative approaches as part of wellness and healing for Tribal youth.   

Challenges to taking the 1st Step – Engaging the Veteran Population in Treatment Courts

(Session Recording) (PowerPoint)

  • Mark Panasiewicz, Program Director, National Association of Drug Court Professionals

Workshop Description: The first step necessary for any veterans treatment court (VTC) is identifying their justice-involved veteran population. This is accomplished through a variety of means at multiple states throughout the criminal justice system.  Justice For Vets Key Component #3 of the Ten Key Components of Veterans Treatment Courts is that “Eligible Participants are identified early and promptly placed in the veterans treatment court program.” Additionally, tracking this data, along with other criminal justice information, becomes a valuable tool in evaluating the VTC and identifying any opportunities for change.  Once eligible veterans have been identified and are participants in the court, it requires cultural competence from all team members to engage with them. Veterans have both individual and shared cultural experiences that result in both barriers and strengths to treatment and relationship building. Recognizing these and communicating in a way that aids in addressing the barriers or leveraging the strengths will allow team members to begin to better serve the veteran population.

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The Implementation and Enhancement Training is offered as part of the Healing to Wellness Courts Training and Technical Assistance project -- A project delivered by the Tribal Law and Policy Institute (TLPI) under a grant from the Bureau of Justice Assistance.

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