Tribal Healing to Wellness Court
Juvenile Healing to Wellness Court
2024 Implementation and Enhancement Trainings
Reclaiming Indigenous Justice
September 18-20, 2024
Sheraton Phoenix Downtown
340 North 3rd Street Phoenix, AZ 85004
These trainings have received U.S. Department of Justice Conference Approval.
2015 Training Materials
September 8-10, 2015
Albuquerque, NM
The Tribal 10 Key Components
Joseph Flies-Away and Carrie Garrow
Tribal Healing to Wellness Courts: The Key Components, 2nd. ed., Tribal Law and Policy Institute (2014).
The Tribal 10 Key Components' Suggested Practices with NADCP's Best Practices, Hon. Carrie E. Garrow (2015).
Bench Card 10: Judge as Community, Nation Builder, and Citizen
Entry: Mapping the Process
Joseph Flies-Away and Charlene Jackson
Screening and Assessment
Mark Panasiewicz
Sanctions and Incentives
Charlene Jackson and Mark Panasiewicz
Juvenile Healing to Wellness Court
Jessica Pearce
Joint Jurisdiction: From Shingle Springs to Kenaitze
Shingle Springs/El Dorado County Family Wellness Court
Kenaitze/Kenai Healing to Wellness Court
Hon. Suzanne Kingsbury, Hon. Anna Moran, Hon. Kim Sweet, and Hon. Christine Williams
Tribal-State Court Forums: An Annotated Directory, Tribal Law and Plolicy Institute (June 2015)
Shingle Springs/El Dorado Family Wellness Court Minute Order
Shingle Springs/El Dorado Family Wellness Court Wellness Plan Order
Korey Wahwassuck, The New Face of Justice: Joint Tribal-State Jurisdiction, 47 Washburn Law Journal 733 (2008).
Korey Wahwassuck, John P. Smith, and John R. Hawkinson, Building a Legacy of Hope: Perspectives on Joint Tribal-State Jurisdiction, 36:2 William Mitchell Law Review 859 (2010).
Healing to Wellness Courts Contributing to Peace: The Role of Wellness Courts in Tribal Justice Systems
Joseph Flies-Away and Carrie Garrow
Pharmacology and Medically-Assisted Treatment
Mark Panasiewicz
Confidentiality and HIPAA
Carrie Garrow and Charlene Jackson
Suggested Resource:
Tele-Services in Rural Setting
Precious Benally and Annie Schachar
Enablement Prevention Program
Mark Panasiewicz
Wellness Court Judicial Bench Book
Joseph Flies-Away and Carrie Garrow
Marijuana, Peyote, Adderall and Other Ambiguous Substances
Charlene Jackson
Tribal Responses to Underage Drinking
Precious Benally and Adelle Fontanet
Intersection of the Indian Child Welfare Act and Veterans Treatment Courts
Veterans Courts
Veterans and ICWA
Kate Fort and Peter Vicaire
American Indian and Alaska Native Servicemembers and Veterans, U.S. Dep't. of Veterans (Sept. 2012).
Disproportionality Rates for Children of Color in Foster Care, National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (FY 2013)
Military Community and Family Policy: Quick Reference Guide for Family Court Judges, The Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Apr. 2014)
Protecting Our Children through Tribal Law: A Review of 100+ Tribal Child Welfare Codes, Rachel Starks, Adrian Tobin Smith, Mary Beth Jaeger, Native Nations Institute, National Indian Child Welfare Association (2015).
Healing the Healers and Team Building
Donna Humetewa Kaye and Mark Panasiewicz
Vicarious Trauma, Donna Humetewa Kaye (2015).